
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Using the right way

We always walk Round the outside

When we come to school we use the pt England way
Stop look and listen when the teacher is talking

Remember to Purua to Potae when you are playing outside

we always love to be kind to the grass and gardEn

Champions never give up when we are playing sports

When it’s time to play we always remember to chuck iT in the bin


  1. hi what a cool poem see you at lunch time.

    keep up the great work

  2. Hi Hope that was a really interesting poem. KEEP IT UP!

  3. Hi Hope

    Your poem was very interesting and reminding to other people to follow the point england way.I cant wait until your next post.KEEP IT UP!

  4. Hi Hope,
    I like how you used the Pt England way words. Your poem was very interesting and you are reminding new people to use the Pt England way. Maybe you could do a little more writing.
    KEEP IT UP!!!
    Love from Quziyah

  5. Hi Hope,

    That poem blew me away. I like how you explained to us the Pt England way. I really like your story.

    Keep it up and have great time in 2012!!


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