
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

school picnic

Do you know what we did last Friday? Well we had a school picnic. Walking down to the reserve nearly everyone was excited for the picnic.

We sat in our line's to listen to Mr Burt. Then we were free to find our sitting places. Wow it was a nice sunny day.

Mr Burt had to call out the team to go up to swim. Many kids ran so quickly into the water! It was like they were racing.

My friends and I played with our teacher. We played force-back . Well we started to play, this is how you play the game. You have to kick the ball and if they catch the ball that means you have to take 10 steps forward and if you kick it past the line that is one point. It was me Grace, Aldora, Annliz, Ana, Mele, Charly and Mr Marks.

It was our turn to swim. We all ran to get changed and ran down to the beach. We splashed the water at each other when we got in. Then we had ten more minutes till we had to get out of the beach. Then It was time to go and get changed into our uniform. After that we all had to go back to school and many people we very exhausted.


  1. Hi Hope,

    What a lovely story. I bet it was really fun playing with Mr Marks. Did you have fun swimming, were you board when we went back to school? Well, keep up the great work!!

  2. Hi Hope its Howard,

    I like your story about the school picnic. I enjoyed the school picnic to but I didn't get to swim. It sounds like you had a lot of fun.


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