
Thursday, November 29, 2012

(Katz) Kawau Island

I said “Bye”, to my family and I felt so sad that I wanted to go back home, but I just didn’t want to miss all the fun things they are going to do at Camp Bentzon. I didn’t want to cry. So then we put all of the bags into the bus and off we went. “Bye, bye”! I shouted out the window.

On the bus we went past the city and it looked so amazing. I just couldn’t wait to see Camp Bentzon even though I still had feelings for home. Off the bus and on the ferry we go. It took so long because we had to put the bags into the ferry. Luckily we were on the top of the ferry it was so scary.

Finally we got there but we just had one problem. We had to go for a walk. As we were walking we stopped where these rocks were stacked and Isara had to make up a speech for Pt England. After that we started walking again. “I’m so tired” I said to my friends. We kept walking until we got to a beach where some old people were living.

The next day we did different activities and it was so fun. My best activity was sailing because me and my partner Annliz were sailing. While sailing we ended up on this other beach. It was crack up. Then peter the sailing man came and told us how to get back. We manage to get back on our own.

It was time to get back on the ferry and back to school. It was sad and exciting because I’m going to see my family. We had the best days of our life.

Thank you to Annliz for editing my Writing

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