
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sausages Sizzle

On tuesday Mr Marks told us a surprising news. He said we were going to have a sausage sizzle. We all were shocked and were excited at the same time but we just had to pay one dollar. I started cutting the onions into rings.

While cutting the onion I had watering eyes. After cutting the onion me and grace broke it into pieces. Then it was time to pass it onto the next person. After that Mr Marks cooked it into the BBQ while we were going to IcT and music.

When we got there the girls had to go on the multimedia to finish of our animation while the boys do there work on there netbooks.  In twenty
five minutes we will rotate’’ said Mr Jacobsen.  After twenty five minutes we rotated. Then when I was walking to class from music I could already smell the wafting of sausages.

Coming from ICT I saw stack of sausages on the BBQ. I thought it was stack of log from trees. It look burnt but it wasn’t.

So it was time to eat it. Mr Marks put a sausages and some onions on my bread. I even put some tomato sauce on. I started eating it and it was deliciously yum.

1 comment:

  1. It sure was deliciously yum! Next time we write we need to work on making sure our paragraphs are about one main idea and not two. Please remind of this Hope.


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